
Ayurvedic treatment for hair loss involves using natural remedies to restore balance in doshas in the body. Among them are herbal medicines like Bhringraj and Amla, dietary adjustments meant to nourish your hair, regular scalp massage with warm oils, yoga exercises or meditation as stress relievers, and personalized cleansing processes, including Panchakarma. This comprehensive approach aims to tackle the leading cause of hair loss by promoting the average growth of healthy hair.

Ayurvedic Treatment Approaches

  • Bhringraj: Bhringraj oil, also known as the “king of hair herbs,” is believed to promote hair growth and reduce hair fall.
  • Amla (Indian Gooseberry): Vitamin C-rich Amla strengthens hair follicles, prevents premature greying, and fights against falling off.
  • Neem: Scalp infections and dandruff, which are some causes of hair loss, can be treated using Neem, which has antifungal and antibacterial properties.
  • Ashwagandha: Works towards reducing stress, a prominent factor that contributes to hair loss, while improving overall hair condition.

  • Brahmi: Benefits from Brahmi include strengthening the hair roots, controlling dandruff, and adding shine to the hair.
  • Diet for your dosha: Aligning your food choices to your most dominant dosha helps maintain optimum health thereby preventing any possibility of excessive shedding of hair from your scalp.
  • Eat Hair-Friendly Foods: Hair needs proteins, vitamins (especially A, C, E), and minerals such as zinc or iron to be in excellent health. These foods can be found in legumes, whole grains, seeds, leafy greens like Kale or spinach, and nuts.
  • Keep Hydrated: Drinking enough water will keep you hydrated, thus preventing toxins from building up in your body tissues, including your scalp area. This leads to better overall wellbeing and wellbeing improved health conditions, which are responsible for better growth rates on the top part of your head.
  • Shirodhara: It involves pouring warm herbal oil on the forehead to relieve stress and balance doshas, indirectly creating conditions for healthy hair growth.
  • Choose Gentle, Natural Shampoos: Instead of using harsh chemicals in shampoos, it is advisable to use natural plant-based shampoos that do not remove natural oils from your scalp.
  • Yoga and Meditation: Hair fall occurs for several reasons, including stress. Thus, it is vital to incorporate yoga and meditation into daily routines to manage such issues effectively.
  • Get Enough Sleep: A better approach to promoting good head health requires adequate sleep, which allows the body time for repair. This can lead to improved growth rates on the top part of the head.
  • Avoid Heat and Chemicals: Blondes, straighteners, and any other chemical treatments that might damage hair and cause it to fall off should be avoided at all costs.
  • Panchakarma: This is a compilation of treatment sessions aimed at cleansing, metabolism improvement, and holistic wellbeing, which results in better growth rates.
  • Personalized Approach: Ayurveda may recommend a customized treatment plan based on the individual’s peculiar dosha imbalance, physical condition, and hair type.


Increased Hair Shedding

When hair strands are longer than usual left on your pillow comb or drain in the shower, chances are that hair is falling off.

Thinning Hair

It is possible to notice thinning hair, especially around the crown or temples, which is an indication that one is losing hair.

Receding Hairlines

Whair falls out, the receding hairline arises, resulting in no contact between the forehead skin and the anterior edge of the scalp.

Bald Patches

If there is a bald patch at one place on your head where there seems to be no growth anymore, then this definitely means you are experiencing hair loss.

Excessive Hair Breakage

Weak or damaged hair can break off easily, resulting in shorter length and thinning out in general.

Itchy Scalp

It is possible for the scalp to be itchy. This can be linked to various other scalp conditions, such as dandruff or psoriasis, which can cause hair loss

Visible Scalp

Thinned-out hairs make the scalp more apparent, especially in bright lighting or if the hair is pulled back tightly.

Stress or Emotional Triggers

Stress from emotions, traumatic experiences, or major life transitions can sometimes trigger abrupt or rapid hair loss.

Scalp Sensitivity

In some cases, a heightened sensitivity or tenderness of the head may occur along with some pain or discomfort, indicating hair loss.

Changes in Hair Texture

Falling hair also changes the texture of hair, making it finer, weaker, and more likely to break.