Balancing wellness through Vaman:

Purify, Renew, Restore


Vaman, or therapeutic emesis, is one specialized Ayurvedic treatment designed specifically for detoxification through controlled vomiting. Panchakarma is known as a five-step rejuvenation detoxification therapy within Ayurveda, where this treatment forms one of the pillars. Vaman essentially targets excess Kapha dosha, and hence, various health problems resulting from congestion, mucus, and metabolic imbalances can be treated thereby.


Respiratory Health

Asthma, bronchitis, and chronic cough can be treated by removing mucus from the lungs.

Digestive Health

Hyperacidity, obesity, and indigestion are eased by throwing out stomach toxins and excessive Kapha.

Skin Disorders

Eczema, psoriasis, and acne, among others, can be managed through detoxification of blood.

Mental Clarity

Enhances mental clarity and emotional balance resulting from Kapha-caused fatigue or depression.


Internal Oleation (Snehana)

The patient consumes medicated ghee or oil to loosen toxins adhered to the tissues.

Oil Massage & Heat Therapy

The body is massaged with herbal oils and subjected to heat treatments to loosen toxins further.

Dietary Adjustments

To ensure that patients consume foods that facilitate vomiting and avoid those that do not, and have a proper diet.

Administration of Emetic Substances

The patients are given strict supervision as they take herbal emetic substances like liquorice or salt water, which prompt vomit ejection.

Induction of Vomiting

Controlled vomiting is induced so that excess kapha dosha may flow out from the respiratory tract as well as the stomach and hence the patient feels better.


Medical personnel should closely monitor this process to ensure safe and effective progression, adjusting where necessary depending on how the patient responds and their general state.


Vaman treatment is an effective and natural way to detoxify the body, especially recommended for problems arising from Kapha. If done correctly, it can result in better breathing, healthy digestion, clearer skin and improved mental clarity. Vaman forms part of a total health initiative that assists the body’s healing capacity, leading to an overall sense of wellbeing.