Basti Treatment

Cleanse, Heal, Renew


One of the Panchakarma therapies in Ayurveda is called Basti, also known as Vasti. This therapy is said to be a very effective method for detoxifying and rejuvenating the body. The terminology Basti refers to a medicated enema given in the colon through the rectum using herbal concoctions or oils.


The primary role of Basti treatment is to balance and purify Vata dosha (one of the three primary bodily humours/doshas in Ayurveda) and remove toxins from the body. It also helps:


Assists in getting rid of accumulated waste materials in the body.

Weight Management

Aids digestion tract cleaning, which helps someone on a weight loss program.


Restores vitality, strength, and health status.

Digestive Health

Enhances digestion and nutrient absorption.

Vatta Disorders

Helps control ailments caused by an imbalance in vatta like arthritis.


Niruha Basti (Decoction Enema)

It involves herbal decoctions mixed with honey, rock salt, and herbal pastes, among other ingredients; they are mainly used for cleansing purposes.

Anuvasana Basti (Oil Enema)

Usually uses medicated oils aimed at nourishing and strengthening the body.


Before beginning therapy, patients undergo various pre-treatment procedures known as Purvakarma, like oil massages (Abhyanga) and steam therapy (Swedana) that loosens toxins. pulvinar dapibus leo.

 In a clinical setting, one is given this medical enema; the patient lies on his left side introducing gently a specific basti nozzle to the rectum.

Patients are advised to retain the enema for a certain period, ranging between a few minutes and one hour, depending on the type of Basti.

Upon retention, the patient expels the enema, which aids in toxin elimination.


Upon completion of basti therapy, patients should formulate specific diet and lifestyle changes to enhance its impact and eliminate complications that may arise. This can include:

Eating light, easily digestible foods.

Avoiding heavy, spicy, or fried foods.

Staying Hydrated.​

Getting adequate rest.