Restore Knee Health Naturally with Janu Basti Therapy


Janu Basti is an ancient Ayurvedic treatment specifically meant for knee joint-related problems. This therapy involves the application of warm medicated oil on knee joints contained within a specially prepared dough dam. It is very effective at eliminating pain, improving movement range as well as keeping knees healthy in general. Here’s how Janu Basti’s treatment works:


  • Tackling osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and knee joint degeneration.
  • Enhanced joint lubrication and flexibility.
  • Reinforce muscles, ligaments, and tendons around the knee.
  • Improved blood flow to the knee area for healing and relaxation.
  • Reduce inflammation and stiffness in the knee joints.


01.Preparation of the Dough

Black gram or wheat flour dough is prepared into a ring-like shape; this dough is placed around the knee joint to create a dam to keep warm oil in position.

02.Application of Warm Oil

Warmed medicated herbal oil is carefully poured into the dough dam over the knee. The oil temperature remains constant throughout a treatment session.


The warm oil stays in the dough dam for a given time usually 30-40 minutes which allows deep penetration of therapeutic properties present in it into tissues surrounding the knee.

04.Massage and Post-Treatment Care

After that session expires, one starts massaging their knee with that oil gently Dough is then taken out while cleaning the either as a result or even before they get off the bed even by just lying flat on the floor following this process accompanied by gentle massage which boosts the effect of treatment applied during the procedure.


The choice of medicated oil determines how successful Janu Basti will be. Some common ones include:

Mahanarayan Taila

It is popularly known because it works as an analgesic and reduces inflammations too.

Ksheerabala Taila

It has a cooling effect besides being capable of supplying any meagre nutrients required by joint cells.

Dhanvantaram Taila

It is also known for being rejuvenating apart from its strengthening capacities.

Post-Treatment Recommendations

  • Rest and avoid strenuous activities immediately after the treatment.
  • Follow a balanced diet and lifestyle as advised by the Ayurvedic practitioner.
  • Gentle stretching and exercises that can help maintain flexibility and strength in the knee joints.


Janu Basti is a holistic Ayurvedic therapy that uses heat and medicated oils to relieve knee pain and promote joint health. It is most effective when performed by a trained Ayurvedic therapist to ensure safety and optimal results.