Greeva Basti Therapy for Total Neck Care


In Ayurveda, Greeva Basti is a specialized treatment that targets the neck, particularly the cervical region. This therapy employs localized warm medicated oil to alleviate a variety of disorders associated with the neck and cervical spine.


  • The patient should be positioned face down on a massage bed.
  • A dough ring made from black gram flour or wheat flour is prepared and kept around the neck area as a well-like structure for holding the oil.
  • Medicinal oil that is warm and has been chosen according to the patient’s condition & dosha will be poured into the circular thing made out of dough.
  • To maintain its warmth throughout this time, it would be kept at a certain temperature.

Within 20 to 40 minutes, typically, leave this oil in the dough ring for a certain duration.

  • After the necessary time period, take out the oil carefully.
  • Then, massage can be done gently on that part so as to enhance the therapeutic effect.
  • Remove the application and clean the skin.


Improves Circulation

Increases blood flow in the cervical region, thus improving nutrient supply & excretion process.

Nourishes the Tissues

Provides deep nourishment for muscles, tendons and ligaments around the neck area.

Improves Mobility

It helps to regain the flexibility and improve the range of the motion of the neck.

Pain Relief

Very effective in reducing pain in the neck, stiffness & tension caused by various factors such as Cervical Spondylosis, Whiplash and Muscle Strain.

Reduces Inflammation

It reduces the inflammation and reduces the swelling through its anti-inflammatory properties since it has been medicated with the oils.


Greeva Basti is an integrated Ayurvedic therapy that concentrates on tending to neck issues occurring frequently rather than taking care of symptoms. It employs Ayurveda’s medicinal oils and principles to restore equilibrium, alleviate pain, and improve the overall well-being of the cervical spine. This treatment is often part of a broader plan for Ayurvedic therapeutics tailored to an individual’s personal health needs.dipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.