Ancient Healing for Modern Wellness


A traditional Ayurvedic treatment, Uttar Basti, is commonly used for treating disorders related to the genitourinary system and reproductive organs. This process includes instilling medicated oils or decoctions into the uterine cavity or through special procedures via the male urethra.


The therapy commences with preparatory measures like fasting and cleansing, which are done for effective results.

Selection of Medication

A particular herbal oil or decoction is selected depending on the patient’s condition. These preparations balance doshas (biological energies) and treat specific ailments.


For females, a special instrument (basti yantra) is inserted into the uterine cavity and is responsible for introducing the medicated oil or decoction into it. In males, this substance enters through the urethra in order to reach their genitourinary tract.


The medication has to be left by the patient within a stipulated period so as to allow absorption and therapeutic action.

Post-Treatment Care

After undergoing this procedure, certain dietary and lifestyle guidelines may have been suggested in ways aimed at maximizing benefits while preventing the recurrence of such conditions.


Gynecological Disorders

In women, conditions including infertility, menstrual irregularities, endometriosis and uterine fibroids are typically treated using Uttar Basti.

Male Reproductive Disorders

It also helps with male infertility, erectile dysfunction, quick ejaculation during intercourse, among other sexual issues experienced by many men.

Urinary Tract Disorders

One may seek treatment for these types of infections, which include UTIs and kidney stones leading to various urological problems.


Uttar Basti is highly valued due to numerous advantages, including direct delivery of medicine to the affected tissue, minimizing systemic side effects and promoting healing, thereby restoring balance. Ayurvedic practice often advises patients to use this method as part of a more comprehensive approach involving changes in diet, herbs and other forms of medication.


As with any medical procedure, only qualified Ayurveda practitioners should be allowed to execute Uttar Basti after carefully assessing the patient’s health condition and previous medical history. Individual responses to treatment may vary, and it is essential to follow up with prescribed post-treatment care for optimal results.