Jaloka Therapy is also known as leech therapy, an old-fashioned Ayurvedic treatment that uses medicinal leeches for healing and treating various diseases. This therapy utilizes the natural characteristics of leech saliva which contains different bioactive substances that are useful. Below is a detailed description of Jaloka (Leech) Therapy:


  • Increased blood circulation
  • Reduction in inflammation and pain
  • Foster quick tissue repair
  • Body poison elimination
  • Healing skin problems like chronic ulcers


The doctor thoroughly examines the patient before the therapy to check if he/she is suitable or not.

Cleansing and disinfection done on the part intended for treatment to ensure hygiene and prevent infections.

Medical practitioners will apply medicinal leeches on this point only. These leeches attach themselves to their skins starting to draw blood from them.

After getting a sufficient amount of blood, the leeches are removed gently from the human body system by washing off each bite with antiseptic soap and dressing it accordingly.

Patients will be monitored for adverse reactions while at the same time observing the proper healing process at the site bitten.


  • To keep the bitten area dry and clean
  • Avoid rigorous activities immediately after the therapy
  • The Ayurvedic practitioner will recommend a particular diet or lifestyle that you should follow
  • Watch out for signs of an infected bite, and seek medical advice accordingly if required

Safety and Efficacy

Safety and effectiveness are required when performing Jaloka Therapy. Jaloka Therapy is based on ancient Ayurvedic medicine combined with modern medicine about medicinal leeches; it is a proven technique that has been utilized over time.

In conclusion, Jaloka (Leech) Therapy is a holistic way of healing various diseases by using the therapeutic properties of leeches. It’s most valuable in improving blood flow, inflammation suppression, and wound recovery.