Precision Healing for Balanced Well-Being.


Vidhha Karma is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that involves piercing particular points in the body using very fine needles, similar to acupuncture methods, in order to treat various symptoms and restore overall health. This procedure forms part of holistic Ayurveda, where all three doshas (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) are balanced, thus ensuring healthy living.


The main aim of using Vidhha Karma is to increase prana (body energy), improve blood circulation, and relieve pain and inflammation. Such treatment helps release blocked energy pathways called srotas, thereby allowing the free flow of vital energy through the whole body.


  • Dosha Evaluation: An ayurvedic doctor studies patients’ pulse rate, observing them closely during a consultation session where s/he asks about their previous medical history and lifestyle in general.
  • Identification of Points: Marma’s points are identified based on the condition of the patient as well as the desired healing effect.
  • Sanitization: The skin at these points is thoroughly cleaned to minimize the chances of infection.
  • Relaxation Techniques: The person might relax through such techniques as reiki or soft tissue manipulation before treatment.
  • Use of Needles or Sharp Instruments: Fine, sterile needles or exotic Ayurvedic instruments are used to pierce the skin at specific Marma points.
  • Depth and Duration: Depths and durations of piercing are strictly monitored according to the disease condition and constitution of the patient.
  • Monitoring: Immediate reactions, if any, and general response to treatment by the patient will be observed.
  • Aftercare Instructions: Suggestions for rest, dietary changes, and perhaps herbal supplements that may aid the recovery process, enhancing the effectiveness of the treatment.


Pain Relief

It helps manage chronic pain like headaches, joint pains, and muscle aches.

Professional Supervision

Vidhha Karma should only be carried out by a certified Ayurveda physician who specializes in this particular procedure for safety reasons.

Stress Reduction

This gives immediate relief from tension anxiety as well as stress, which has been proven scientifically.

Individualized Approach

Treatment is customized according to these individuals'individual's particular dosha constitution as well as specific health requirements.


Helps get rid of toxins from the body while also improving the overall function of organs.

Holistic Integration

Ayurvedic treatments are often combined with lifestyle changes including dietary guidelines resulting in comprehensive health gains.


Vidhha Karma is an ancient Ayurvedic therapy that naturally deals with pain management, circulation improvement, and general wellness. This kind of treatment assists in harmonizing energies within the body when specific points on the body are targeted, thus relieving pain and promoting good health.