Renew Your Body:

Experience Detoxification and Radiant Skin with Udvartan Treatment


Udvartan is a therapy in Ayurveda that entails a special massage done using herbal pastes or powders. This therapy is famous for detoxification and revitalization of the body.


The therapist selects particular herbal powders or pastes suitable for the individual’s constitution and health condition.

Here, herbal concoction is massaged into the body gently, concentrating on areas where fat accumulation is excessive or lymphatic drainage is necessary.

The masseur uses energetic movements and circular strokes designed to enhance blood flow, break down fat deposits and promote better skin texture.

Udvartan treatment usually lasts between 30-60 minutes, depending on what one requires.

After applying the oils, this oil mixture sits on the body for some time before being washed off through soft wipes or rinsing. One may be advised to relax without getting exposed to wind or cold immediately after undergoing this procedure.


Weight Management

It helps reduce extra fats and cellulite by boosting metabolism, thereby causing fat breakdown


This therapy cleanses away toxins from our bodies, hence enhancing general well-being and rejuvenation of life force energy.

Skin Health

It gets rid of dead skin cells, gives an even tone to the skin, improves texture as well as renews your complexion

Lymphatic Stimulation

Therefore, Udvartan aids in eliminating waste products by enhancing lymph flow, promoting detoxification.


Regular sessions contribute to longevity while enhancing blood circulation and rejuvenating both body and mind systems. Often, it is prescribed as part of a comprehensive approach towards healthcare in Ayurveda, which includes diet control along with other health activities such as modifications of lifestyle and other therapeutic practices.


Udvartan should be done by licensed Ayurvedic therapists using proper powders or the right massage techniques. Any person with any specific health problems/conditions or who is allergy-sensitive must consult a doctor before deciding to go through such operations.