Abhyanga :

Embrace Harmony & Wellness through the Art of Ayurvedic Massage


Abhyang is a traditional Ayurvedic therapy, also called Abhyang. It is a full-body massage using hot herbal oil. The purpose of this ancient practice is to bring balance and union among the body, spirit and mind, hence promoting good health and longevity.



This treatment involves lymphatic system activation as well as circulation improvement, helps to removal of toxins.

Stress Relief

Nervous system calming strokes in the form of soothing rhythmic movements lower stress levels in an individual's body.

Skin Health

Moisturized by regular applications of herbal oils, which nourish it, making it supple, soft, and radiant.

Improved Sleep

Calming effects experienced during Abhyanga lead to better sleep patterns, hence solving insomnia problems.

Muscle & Joint Health

Massage helps in muscle relaxation, reducing stiffness and increasing flexibility and joint mobility.

Enhanced Immunity

Abhyanga boosts overall health, underpinning a detoxification process that ensures a strong immune system.


01. Peparation

The first step involves taking appropriate herbal oils depending on their Dosha (Body type) or any other health problem they may be experiencing.

02. Oil Application

Warm oil is applied generously across one's whole being, including the scalp and feet. The heated liquid easily seeps through the skin, delivering therapeutic properties inside cells.

03. Massage Techniques

Experts use different kinds of touches including circular moves on joints as well as long strokes up limbs so that oil can be spread out evenly also targeting several Marma points (An energy junction).

04. Duration

A typical abhyanga session takes approximately 45-60 minutes, although the session can vary according to the client's specifications.

05. Post-Massage Care

After the massage, it is advisable to take a short nap so as to enable more penetration of the oil into the skin before taking a warm bath or shower to wipe away any excess oil.


It is best to perform Abhyanga on a daily basis as part of a morning routine for optimum results. However, even weekly or bi-weekly sessions can significantly contribute to one’s health and wellbeing.Most people can do an Abhyanga without significant concerns, but it should not be done when one has acute sicknesses like fever or when there are cuts on the body. Pregnant mothers should be cautious about this treatment since some medical conditions may also disqualify specific individuals who have pre-existing medical conditions from undergoing it unless they consult their doctors first.


Sesame Oil

Generally used for Vata dosha due to its warming qualities.

Coconut Oil

A calm and relaxing oil that suits Pitta dosha well.

Mustard Oil

Warming and stimulating, often used for Kapha dosha.

Herbal Oil

These oils contain Ayurvedic herbs that target specific health issues.