Whole-body Renewal through Herbal Steam


Sarvang Swedan, known as the Ayurvedic full body steam that is a native to India’s traditional medicine system, is one of those treatments. Steam produced from herbal decoctions is applied to the whole body except the head. The term ‘sarvang’ means the entire body, and ‘swedan’ means sudation or profuse sweating, which may be used in its expanded sense to refer to sweating for therapeutic purposes.



Before a patient undergoes Sarvang Sweden, they typically get a massage using oils made from herbs that are best suited for their health issues and the structure of their bodies (doshas). It is also called Abhyanga, as an oily massage is undertaken before this treatment.

02.Steam Application

After massaging the patient, they are made to sit down or lie still inside a unique steam chamber/tent that covers their whole body with only their head visible on top. This way, no steam touches the head but only gets into contact with other parts of the body.

03.Herbal Steam

The steam comes about by boiling water mixed with different medical plants chosen according to what condition affects patients and what curative effect is expected upon them. Some examples would include eucalyptus leaves and basil neem, among others, which are detoxifying as well as rejuvenating.


The duration of this therapy ranges between 10-30 minutes, depending on how much one can tolerate and specific wellness objectives. Initiate comfort and safety through careful monitoring of temperatures and intensities at which steam will be applied


Induced sweat discharges toxins (ama) via skin pores, leading to general detoxification.

Heat from the steam expands blood vessels, thereby promoting improved blood flow and increased oxygen supply together with nutrients reaching the body cells.

Musculoskeletal pains, stiffness and inflammation can be relieved through the application of Sarvang Swedan. Conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, muscle spasms, and others are among those for which this is usually effective.

Sinusitis, congestion, and other respiratory problems which cause discomfort can be relieved through herbal steam inhalation, making it easier to breathe by clearing nasal passages.

Deep relaxation is brought about during the treatment, reducing stress and thereby improving mental clarity and emotional balance.

When Sarvang Swedan opens up skin pores, it results in cleansing benefits like acne cure, eczema remedy or psoriasis elimination, but it also makes the skin much more beautiful with an even tone due to the proper texture of this vital organ.


Sarvang Swedan is a holistic treatment that incorporates Ayurveda principles, aiming to bring back natural balance within body systems while using non-invasive procedures. It is important to do under-trained Ayurvedic practitioners only; otherwise, safety and effectiveness cannot be guaranteed.