Transform Your Skin with Mukhalepan Therapy


Mukhalepan is an Ayurvedic treatment that has been used for centuries to improve the skin’s appearance and overall health. In Sanskrit, mukhalepan means “face therapy” or “facial pack”. It involves putting a mixture of herbs that have been pounded into powder or paste on one’s face, neck, and sometimes other parts of the body, which helps rejuvenate and revitalize the skin.


Initially, the skin is well cleaned so as to remove all dirt, oils as well as impurities.

A smooth paste is formed by preparing a mixture of ground fine herbs chosen based on their specific effects on the skin with water, milk, yoghurt, rose water or any other appropriate liquid.

Next comes applying this herbal paste uniformly around your face and neck or wherever you are affected. It may be allowed to dry or kept moist depending upon the nature of the treatment being done.

The pastes stay on for some time, during which the nutrients from herbs seep into our skins and have desired impacts.

When the time allotted for the treatment elapses, wash it off using warm water or cleanse it off with a wet cotton pad.

Mukhalepan treatments are designed to:

Nourishing And Revitalising

These herbal ingredients can penetrate deeply into your skin, giving it all the essential nutrients required as good antioxidants, which ensure its vitality and healthy look.

Enhancing Skin Tone

Regular use of Mukhalepan is believed to improve complexion by making it more even toned and radiant, thereby creating an inner glow that makes you look beautiful naturally.

Solving Skin Problems

It offers solutions to various types of skin problems such as acne, blemishes, drought, and soreness and returns natural equilibrium and vivacity to the skin, thereby leaving it gleaming.

Pleasure And A Sense Of Wellbeing

Apart from cosmetic effects, Mukhalepan can be a calming experience that promotes one’s general state of health, nurturing both inner and outer radiance.


Ayurvedic practitioners often customize Mukhalepan to suit individual skin types and conditions. It is highly recommended that people should take the guidance of a qualified ayurvedic doctor while going for mukhalepan so as to ensure the use of appropriate herbs and techniques for best results and safety purposes.